
3 self care tips you can add to your day today

Here are my top 3 self care tips you can add to your day today to improve your outlook. 

Some days are harder than others. 
One day feels like a breeze, you are rocking everything you have to do and others ...well not so much. This is life so do not get yourself down about it. Instead, decide to make a change that you can start or re-start any day and move forward in a more positive way. 

Now, I am not saying that there are no challenges but we can control how we react.

I have always found that when I have nourished myself that I am more able to handle whatever the day throws at me.

1. Start the day with a few deep breaths. 
This can be before you get out of bed or as you are moving through getting ready.
One of the first things I do is make a cup of tea and while I am waiting for the kettle to boil I pause and breath deeply a few times. 

2. Visualize your day. 
I try to do this daily before I get out of bed. Especially on a busy day. I see myself moving from each appointment of task easily with plenty of time and no snags. This is a perfect time to recall the main things that need to be done and possibly where there are some gaps.

3. Practice gratitude. 
Whether you jot it down in your journal or on your phone take time to notice all the things you are grateful for today. Start with 3 things today and tomorrow think of 3 more before you know it you will have so many things on your list that you will want to add even more. I will help you get started....I am grateful for technology...

I have created a gratitude journal and it is available on Amazon. My Dragonfly Journal. Get yours today.

Feel free to contact me today for a quick chat on how Essential Oils and Wellness products can help you elevate your self care.
I will teach you 
3 cool things about essentials oils
3 ways to use them
the best way to purchase them to save you time, money and space.

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