
Top 5 Tips when using Essential Oils

We have been hearing about essential oils for many years. Some may think they are New Age or trendy but they have been around for centuries. Essential Oils are the original medicine. 
Did you know that modern medicine is based on original plant medicine? 
Every plant has essential oil in it or on it to protect itself from disease and environmental threats. 
I love that we have the opportunity to use both to support our best health. I have tried several brands of essential oils and have found doTerra to be the most tested, trusted and effective brand of essential oils and wellness products.

Top 5 Tips when using Essential Oils

Purity. Know where your oils come from since not all essential oils are created equal. Some may say they are pure but may only have a few drops of real lavender and then filled with synthetic lavender or some other carrier or filler that you do not want in your body. doTerra oils have been through rigorous 3rd party testing and have the data available on each bottle of oil to show their purity and safety.

How to use: 
Aromatically. By diffusing or simply breathing it in from the bottle or a drop on your palm.
You never want to heat or burn the oils as that breaks down the beneficial properties.
Topically. On the skin directly. Massage into feet or back of neck.

Internally.  Ingesting when safe. Essential Oils that can be ingested should have a nutritional facts label on them just like you would find on your cereal, rice, juice etc. doTerra oils have these labels on oils like Lemon, Wild Orange, Peppermint but not on Wintergreen, Birch or Balance so you know which ones are safe to use in your water, on food or in a capsule. Sometimes I will just put a drop under my tongue.
Essential oils are very powerful. You are better off diluting with a carrier oil and then add more as needed. Use a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or another oil that you would eat like olive oil. 

Some oils are ‘hot’ oils like Oregano and Cinnamon. These will heat up the skin when applied neat (aka not diluted) and be uncomfortable for a short while. Use a carrier oil to soothe the area or if any gets in your eyes use milk or oil to rinse it out, not water. Water only spreads the heat just like when you eat spicy food.

Follow your intuition
If it feels right then do it. If it does not then don’t. Seems simple but when you are in touch with your gut feelings or intuition that is usually the best route. Learn the basics about the oils and then experiment. How does it feel? Do you like these 2 mixed together? I like this oil on my feet before bed.

Share with friends.
If you have had great results with a particular blend to help you sleep at night or feeling more grounded and focused after using lemon and frankincense then tell a friend. They may be having issues that they cannot find a solution for or are spending a lot of money on other products that aren’t really helping. Share.

Having natural solutions at our fingertips is very important to our day to day health. The more you can manage your physical, mental and emotional health the better. Reducing chemicals and toxins in our environment is also very important. Perfume, cleaning products, air fresheners, soaps, lotions, skin care, hair care...these can all be replaced with natural products and doTerra essential oils for our best health.

I would love to share more with you today.

Contact me today for a quick chat on how Essential Oils and Wellness products can help you.
I will teach you 3 cool things about essentials oils, 3 ways to use them and the best way to purchase them to save you time, money and space.

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