
Sleep Part 2...Top 3 tips for getting good rest

Part 2

Now that you have discovered some of your natural patterns and perhaps some less ideal habits letś see what we can do to support ourselves for the best sleep. Here are my top 3 tips for getting good rest. 

Use your doTerra essential oils. 
A diffuser or 2 can be very useful. Run one in the bedroom before bedtime to fill the room with your favourite sleep combination. Many people enjoy lavender others prefer vetiver or eucalyptus and wild orange. I can help you with a few recipes and find something that works for you. 

Keep your bedroom cool.
Having the environment cooler helps you relax and fall asleep better. Weather permitting pop the windows open for just a few minutes before heading to bed to cool the room and bring in fresh air. You will want to snuggle under the covers and drift off to land on nod.

*bonus tip* in addition to keeping the room cool do keep it dark and quiet. This can be a change if we are used to a lot of noise in our room so work to quiet gradually.

Keep the bedroom for sleeping and romance. 
Try not have other distractions in there like TV, desk, gym. That way you associate that room with sleep and can start to feel more relaxed right away when you go in there versus seeing paperwork or clutter.

Be sure to get a copy of my free eBook on sleep.

Contact me today for a quick chat on how Essential Oils and Wellness products can help you.
I will teach you 
3 cool things about essentials oils
3 ways to use them 
how to get them at the best price

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