
Why do I partner with doTerra

Why did I choose to partner with doTerra?

Why do I choose doTerra everyday?

I have been a Massage Therapist for 20+ years and have come across many wellness products, as you can imagine. Many people approaching me with the next big thing. Everything from oils, supplements, drinks, etc and I did not ever want to compromise my healing work or my clients trust by taking on a product of solution that may or may not work for them. So I stayed away from it all. I had tried a few essential oils here and there and they did not dazzle me at all.  Then I saw doTerra...
I knew something was different from the moment I saw the name, doTerra mean Gifts of the Earth. 
I just knew I would get involved at some point.

Then a friend came to me and I said, "oh my goodness you smell amazing, what is going on?"

"It is doTerra essential oils. I use them for everything. Would you like to try?"


So I tried one of the digestive blends in my water and it was so delightful. My stomach stayed quiet for our whole massage session which was amazing especially at lunch time.

I joined doTerra with my own account to try different oils and wellness products and have had amazing results for myself since that day. I have learned so much over the last few years on how dedicated the company is to getting the best product and helping the most people around the world.  

One of the reasons I use these products in particular is that they are the most tested and trusted brand. The essential oils are pure from the ground up. doTerra  works with small family farms to produce the best product and pay farmers all over the world a fair price. This is better than fair trade or organic. Every liter of oil is tested for purity and consistency. This is an expensive process so most companies do not do this. doTerra has exclusive contracts with growers which makes a huge impact globally. This makes me feel even better about using these products and partnering with a company that is ethical and globally responsible. 

Check out this video on Co-Impact Sourcing here. It moves me every time I watch it.  

I have used these products to support every aspect of my life as well as my family. 
Nutrition, pain, allergies and more. 
It is the first thing we turn to for cuts, bruises, hair care, skin care. I can go on and on....

After working with clients for many years of Massage Therapy and getting good results, I added the oils into sessions and the response from clients was amazing. The smell fantastic, yes but to choose Peppermint of Eucalyptus when you are face down in a massage where you normally get clogged up my clients had open clear breathing. 

When we start a session and it takes time to settle in and start to relax I would add our Grounding  Blend to their feet to get centered right away.

Stubborn knots or inflammation were quickly releasing with a few drops of oils added. My clients were amazed and so was I.

This is why I continue to  choose doTerra everyday for our proactive self care. 

I have never felt better about recommending doTerra as a company and product line to my clients and loved ones...
If this resonates with you please get in touch to try these.

Contact me today for a quick chat on how Essential Oils and Wellness products can help you.
I will teach you 3 cool things about essentials oils
3 ways to use them 
and how to get them at the best price. 

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